Getting rid of Japanese Knotweed with herbicide treatment is usually more cost effective and is most popular with residential properties. It does, however, take longer than using any of our excavation methods, as it requires repeated treatment over several growing seasons to ensure all traces of knotweed are killed off.
The herbicides used are designed to damage and control the knotweed without causing damage to your property or land. We offer a couple of methods for herbicide treatment and will advise you on which would work best on your property.
Stem Injection
This is an environmentally and cost effective solution, ideal for smaller patches of knotweed. We inject herbicide chemicals directly into the larger plants and foliar spray is applied to other plants that are too small to inject.
Stem injection does not affect nearby plants or wildlife and is suitable for use even where a Tree Preservation Order is in place. The weather will not affect this treatment and it’s also ideal near water.
Foliar Spray
This is also a cost effective solution, we spray the knotweed leaves with the herbicide chemicals, using nozzles that direct the spray as accurately as possible.
Herbicidal treatment would usually take 3-5 growing seasons to fully eradicate your problem. Foliar spray isn’t always suitable if the knotweed is near other planting or very close to water courses.
Herbicide limitations
Herbicidal treatment does not remove the underground rhizome system of your Japanese Knotweed plant. This means that disturbing the soil at a later date – or even during treatment – could cause dormant rhizome to grow again.
Because of this, you cannot remove herbicide treated soil to your municipal dump or recycling bins. It must be treated as controlled waste and removed to properly licensed landfill.
If you are likely to want to redevelop the land on which your knotweed has been located, one of our excavation methods would be better suited.
What Now?
If you are unsure on the best course of action to eradicate your Japanese Knotweed please get in touch on 020 8769 7321 or follow our simple six steps to being Japanese Knotweed free here.